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About Foundation NEST
Nest Foundation is established as a juridical person, whit not economical purpose, whit seat and office address Sofia. The main purpose of Nest Foundation is to help for the integration of Bulgaria in the European Union and the world.
The idea for the established of Nest foundation, belongs to Nest Association - "Association for the economical development of the trading, economical and industrial enterprises" and Nest Agency LTD, as the activity and the outlay of the Foundation, its programs and projects are financed by Nest Association and its members, and also of its operative executor - Nest Agency Ltd.
Nest Foundation is main member and subsidiary post of the big family of NEST and it is the organization which takes care for the organization which puts this cares for the sponsorship, the conscientious and for the concern for the development of the Bulgarian popularity and the particular individual, in the new social-economical conditions.
Nest Foundation helps and encourages the development and the realization of the lunching of the trade, economic and industrial enterprises. And also not government organizations like associates, associations, corporations, foundation, political parties, syndicate organizations and social structures.
Nest Foundation helps also and the democratic society-economical development of Bulgaria by the continuously raising of the qualification and the educational qualification of the particular individuals, the development of talented young people, ensure them chance, which depends only by them, as sponsored their professional education and professional raising for realization in Bulgaria.
Nest Foundation cooperated for reaching a international agreement, union and approval of the humans civilization' values by development and helping the exchange in the economical area, science, education, culture, art and the sport in their professional preparation.
Nest Foundation produces information materials and publications, realize appearances in the mass-media's, and all kinds of other activities, which help for the retaliating the purposes of the foundation.

About NEST